12 Most Unusual Offers Made to Recruit a New Employee

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12 Unusual Things In Offer Letters Employers Have Included
The hiring process can be long, tedious and repetitive — yet, completely necessary to find talent which will fit your company. Once you’ve found the perfect fit for your company, you want to make sure that your offer is accepted. This can lead to some very interesting or unusual elements within a potential new hire’s offer letter. To find out more, we asked entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council the following:

“What is the most unusual thing you’ve included in an employee’s offer letter?”

Unusual Things in Offer Letters

Here’s what YEC community members had to say:

1. Unlimited Seltzer Water

“We have an employee that is obsessed with seltzer and we knew that by adding this to the offer letter we’d get the right reaction and hopefully an acceptance. We wanted the employee to know that we were obsessed with the details, remembered the conversations we had and wanted to make their experience working with us a good one. Sometimes it’s the little things that stand out.” ~ Corey Eulas, Factorial Digital

2. Walks on the Beach

“Being in southern California, we had a candidate make a joke about loving walks on the beach. This candidate then crushed the interview; they were so passionate and had all the right questions. We left feeling like we knew this individual for years. We were confident this person would take our offer, so I included “walks on the beach” in the offer. They loved it and are now apart of our team.” ~ Colbey Pfund, LFNT Distribution

3. Pet-Friendly Office

“We have a team member with us now that is a huge dog lover. He brings his dog everywhere. Learning this through the interview process, we included in our offer letter that we’d make our office dog-friendly (it had never come up before) — meaning he could bring his pal with him to work every day. Now, not only does he get to have his dog in the office, but we have our very own mascot.” ~ Zach Binder, Bell + Ivy

4. Bagel Tuesdays

“During the interview they asked if we had any specific company morale events on a weekly basis. We said that we do something once a quarter, usually an outing. They suggested bagel breakfast Tuesdays. We liked it, so we added it.” ~ Nicole Munoz, Nicole Munoz Consulting

5. Mugs with Personalized Avatars

“Because I run several online businesses, many employees have an online business profile. They can choose if they’d like to use an actual image of themselves or a professionally created avatar. While I offer more significant perks and bonuses in a job offer, I do also offer a personalized mug with their business avatar. What is more motivational than looking at yourself!” ~ Shu Saito, Godai Soaps

6. Unlimited Time Off

“Since our company is entirely remote, we can’t offer many perks that other companies with physical locations can like unlimited coffee, so instead we offer unlimited time off. This perk is perfect for a remote company and our employees who value job flexibility.” ~ Chris Christoff, MonsterInsights

7. Monthly Massages

“A fantastic benefit that I love to offer our management and front desk employees is access to a free massage at our studio, every month. This perk gets employees very excited about the potential for working with us, and is a nice benefit to welcome them to the team and thank them for their hard work.” ~ Rachel Beider, Massage Outpost

8. Their Choice Between Equity and Cash

“Everyone has a different set of priorities and life situation. We like to let our employees choose from a menu of three different cash and equity options. You can choose more cash and less equity, middle-middle or more equity and less cash. There is no judgment in selection, we just want to be creative about supporting our team in the way that fits them best.” ~ Aaron Schwartz, Passport

9. Seed Funding for Side Hustles

“Unlike some companies and corporations, particularly larger ones, we try to encourage our team to be entrepreneurial. This encouragement goes so far as to frequently help our employees start businesses in their downtime. Obviously, none of these can compete, but there is no reason not to let your team taste the fruits of the gig economy as well.” ~ Ryan Bradley, Koester & Bradley, LLP

10. Free Change of Environment

“If they’re not able to be productive in their current environment, they are free to change to a new environment of their choice at any given moment. They don’t have to stay stuck in an office they’re not happy in. They can move around at their discretion. I have seen that being in the office all the time actually inhibits productivity and hacks their creativity. I like to give freedom of location.” ~ Sweta Patel, Startup Growth Mode

11. International Remote Days

“We offer 14 “international remote days” to all hires. Millennials love to travel and our retention is higher because we allow our employees to have the best of both worlds. The rules? They have to be at least three time zones away, have access to high speed wifi and outline goals while remote. Our company wins because the team mixes PTO and remote days so productivity doesn’t completely halt!” ~ Krish Chopra, NPHub

12. No Management Structure

“Being a completely remote company we already offer unlimited time off and the ability to create your own office hours. If you are a night owl you can work during the middle of the night if you are a morning person, go for it. With that said, everyone at our company has a voice and there is no management structure. All employees are equally important and their ideas and concerns are listened to.” ~ Jared Brown, Hubstaff Talent

Image: Depositphotos.com

This article, “12 Most Unusual Offers Made to Recruit a New Employee” was first published on Small Business Trends
